Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit Area

Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit Area

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and distressing issue.

However, understanding its root causes and seeking professional guidance can help you maintain fresh and pleasant breaths. Let’s review some common causes of bad breath and how Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area can be your ally in preventing bad breath and keeping your confidence high.

The Usual Suspects of Bad Breath

Poor Oral Hygiene: One of the primary reasons for bad breath is inadequate oral hygiene. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, food particles and bacteria can accumulate in your mouth, leading to an unpleasant odor.

Gum Disease: Untreated gum disease can produce a foul odor. The pockets created by gum recession can trap bacteria and food particles, contributing to bad breath.

Dental Issues: Cavities, infected teeth, and abscesses can release unpleasant odors. These issues should be addressed promptly by a dental professional.

Dry Mouth: Saliva plays a crucial role in rinsing away bacteria and food particles in the mouth. Dry mouth, often caused by certain medications or medical conditions, can lead to bad breath.

Diet and Lifestyle: Consuming strongly flavored foods like garlic and onions can lead to temporary bad breath. Additionally, smoking and alcohol can contribute to foul odors.

How Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Can Help Prevent Bad Breath

Comprehensive Dental Cleanings: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. Our dental professionals can remove plaque and tartar buildup that brushing and flossing alone can’t reach.

Treatment of Dental Issues: If you have cavities, gum disease, or other dental problems contributing to bad breath, our team can provide effective treatment to resolve these issues.

Oral Hygiene Guidance: We offer guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, including the use of mouthwash and tongue scrapers to eliminate bacteria.

Addressing Dry Mouth: If dry mouth is a concern, our dental experts can recommend strategies to alleviate this condition and reduce the risk of bad breath.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Our professionals can advise on dietary choices and lifestyle changes to help you maintain fresh breath.

Bad breath doesn’t have to be a persistent issue in your life. Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area is your partner in preventing and overcoming this common problem. By addressing the underlying causes of bad breath, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and seeking professional guidance, you can enjoy the confidence that comes with a fresh and pleasant breath.

Don’t let bad breath hold you back; schedule a visit with Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry today and embark on a journey toward lasting oral health and confidence in every breath you take.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8715

Regular Cleanings And Heart Health

Royal Oak Dental News Regular Cleanings And Heart Health

Visiting Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak for twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings can seem inconvenient and unnecessary at times. But you may benefit in ways you never imagined.

A recent study showed that men and women who had their teeth professionally cleaned at least once every two years were 24 percent less likely to have a heart attack, compared to those who skipped appointments.

While the study could simply confirm that people who faithfully schedule regular dental cleanings also practice healthy habits like exercising and eating right, there is additional evidence of a relationship between oral health and heart health.

Common oral conditions like inflammation resulting from gum disease are linked to hardening of the arteries and other tissue inflammations which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Former American Heart Association President Ralph Sacco, MD, (who did not participate in the study cited previously) said:

“Something as simple as having good dental hygiene – brushing, flossing, and having regular cleanings – may be good for your heart and brain health.1

While the study found that patients who schedule cleanings yearly glean the most health benefits, Dr. Gustafson of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry recommends coming in for checkups and cleanings every six months to catch potential dilemmas early, saving patients time and money. Regular dental cleanings also brighten and whiten teeth, making your smile look its best.

To schedule a deep cleaning with our friendly dental hygienist at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, call
248-541-8770 today!

1 ‘Getting Your Teeth Cleaned May Help Your Heart,’ WebMD Health News, November 16, 2011,, accessed on November 29, 2011


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 3698

What’s New In Dentistry?

Advanced Dentistry in Royal Oak The world of dentistry continues to advance at a rapid pace. If you have visited your Royal Oak dentist lately, you have probably noticed some things that make your visit more comfortable, such as the ability to watch TV or listen to music while receiving treatment. Many Detroit dentistry patients welcome oral conscious sedation to reduce or eliminate pain.

What may not be as obvious are the advances in techniques, tools, and materials. Top Royal Oak dentists now use digital computer imaging which is safer than traditional x-rays. Dental technicians can store, retrieve, and transmit digital images much more easily than was possible with traditional X-ray film.

The use of lasers has also changed the face of dentistry. Laser surgery requires less anesthesia, minimizes swelling, and protects surrounding tissue. Detroit family dentists use lasers for detecting and treating cavities and dental technicians use them for the curing of restorative materials.

Another exciting development in cosmetic dentistry is the CAD-CAM technology that allows Madison Heights cosmetic dentists to perform restorations in a single visit. The types of procedures that can be completed in one visit include crowns, fillings, inlays, onlays, and veneers.

If you need a thorough exam, or expert dental cleaning, or want to improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry, call Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry at 248-541-8770 to schedule a consultation. During your consultation, you can see before and after photos of some of our smile makeover patients. We would love to help you achieve the smile you deserve, and we have the tools, experience, and technology to make that happen- Dr. Steven Gustafson


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 1270

Out of Toothpaste? Here Are 5 Alternative Solutions to Maintain Your Oral Health

Out of Toothpaste? Here Are 5 Alternative Solutions to Maintain Your Oral Health

Toothpaste plays a vital role in maintaining oral hygiene in our Detroit area. There is no doubt that modern toothpaste provides important medical benefit and will help you keep your teeth healthy and strong.

But what happens when you run out of toothpaste unexpectedly?

Fret not! There are several alternative solutions readily available in your home that can effectively clean your teeth and freshen your breath in a pinch. While we are strong advocates for toothpaste here at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, we also believe it is important to maintain a regular daily habit of brushing your teeth. We also know you can’t always plan ahead or have your toiletry kit on hand.

With this rare circumstance in mind, let’s take a look at five toothpaste substitutes that you can use temporarily until you restock your toothpaste supply.

Plain Household Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile household product in Detroit that can act as an excellent toothpaste substitute. Its mild abrasive properties help remove plaque and surface stains, while its alkaline nature neutralizes acids in the mouth. Simply wet your toothbrush, dip it into a small amount of baking soda, and brush your teeth as you would with regular toothpaste. However, use it sparingly as excessive use can erode tooth enamel.

A Quick Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater is a natural antiseptic that can help kill bacteria in your mouth and soothe gum inflammation. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, swish the solution around your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out. This method can be used as a temporary solution until you can purchase toothpaste at your local pharmacy in Detroit, but it’s important to note that it doesn’t offer the same benefits as brushing.

A Few Drops of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, commonly used as a disinfectant by many in the Detroit area, can also be used as a toothpaste alternative. It helps kill bacteria and reduces plaque buildup. Mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water, and use the solution as a mouthwash, swishing it around your mouth for a minute before spitting it out. Avoid swallowing the solution, and do not use concentrations higher than 3%, as it can cause oral irritation.

A Tablespoon of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil pulling has been shown to help with oral health and is popular with naturalists. Oil pulling is a technique that requires you to swish your mouth with coconut oil for 15 minutes or more. Not exactly the most convenient solution for our Detroit friends. Oil pulling “promotes oral health by eliminating bacteria.” Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry doesn’t recommend this practice as a regular solution, and we often wonder whether coconut oil is actually more accessible than at least a little dab of toothpaste, but we wanted to include it for the record.

To use this method, take a tablespoon of organic coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, ensuring it reaches all corners. Spit out the oil afterward and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. This method can help reduce plaque, freshen breath, and maintain healthy gums. It isn’t the most convenient way to get the job done, and there are skeptics who question the ultimate value of coconut oil pulling, but it will do in a pinch.

Toothbrush Alone

In situations where you don’t have access to any of the above alternatives, using a toothbrush alone can still remove plaque and provide some level of oral cleanliness. Wet your toothbrush and brush your teeth thoroughly for two minutes, focusing on each tooth and using gentle circular motions. While it doesn’t provide the same level of freshness as toothpaste, it’s better than skipping oral hygiene altogether.

While running out of toothpaste can leave you feeling unprepared, these alternative solutions can help maintain your oral health until you can restock your supply.

From baking soda to saltwater rinses, hydrogen peroxide, coconut oil pulling, and even using a toothbrush alone, there are options available for various situations.

However, it’s important to note that these alternatives are not meant to replace regular toothpaste in the long term. Remember to prioritize restocking your toothpaste and maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine to ensure optimal dental health, and we’ll see you at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak Michigan for your next checkup!


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8702

3 Vital Reasons to Floss Regularly

reasons to floss your teeth

Are you an avid flosser? Many of us occasionally skip this needed habit. Studies show that around 68% of men and women report flossing at least once a week while 20% say they actually never floss. Skipping the daily flossing routine can have devastating consequences on your overall dental health and result in costly dental work in the future. Find out more about 3 major ways flossing helps protect us from gingivitis, cavities and enhances our social lives. 

1. Helps Fight Cavities

Every time we eat, small remnants of food are left behind. It’s common for these tiny bits of food to accumulate in between our teeth without us always being aware. When we floss, it cleans away all these bits of food and helps reduce the amount of plaque buildup on our teeth.

If we’re not flossing regularly, more and more plaque will form and put us at risk of developing cavities. When plaque begins to cover our teeth, the enamel is slowly worn down and can result in a tiny hole which we call a cavity. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing at least once per day to prevent this growth of plaque.

2. Prevents Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious dental issue and can leave you with fewer teeth if not properly taken care of in a timely manner. There are four stages to gum disease and the first signs usually show up as blood in your gums after flossing or brushing. Anytime we’re flossing and notice this, we can take it as a sign we’re not flossing sufficiently. The bleeding in our gums creates an accumulation of plaque and tartar along the gumline.

Flossing is a great way to clear away this plaque from our teeth. With a piece of floss, we can reach areas a toothbrush can’t reach. If we avoid flossing for long bouts, more and more tartar can accumulate and become harder to get rid of, so our gums bleed. Plaque and tartar allow certain bacteria to accrue and seep in between our gums, damaging our teeth in the process.

3. Freshens Your Breath

Have you ever wondered why your breath is stale at times? This could be due to a lack of flossing, even if you brush regularly. When you brush your teeth, you remove small amounts of saliva, food, and a variety of fluids from your teeth. If you don’t brush routinely, everything sticks to your teeth and results in foul-smelling breath. The same thing can happen when we start reducing the amount of time we spend flossing. Since the food is collecting at a slower rate, we may not notice our breath turning sour. Eventually, this will lead to covering our mouths during conversation.


Even if flossing is the most challenging part of your oral health regimen, refusing to floss is not worth the risk. Removing the bacteria in between your teeth regularly is crucial to your dental health and will keep your breath smelling fresh.

Flossing and brushing are the best preventative measures to avoid gum disease. Remember to have twice-yearly professional dental cleanings as well. If you’re not currently flossing, it’s best to start sooner rather than later. Unexpected cavities can be costly to treat and damaging to your health.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8550

Raise Your Dental IQ

Raise Your Dental IQ

Small things can raise your Dental IQ and benefit your smile. One simple lesson involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it.

But, don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the problem. It’s the balance of bacteria that’s important. This is where brushing and flossing come into play. Brush and floss properly each day and you will have a better chance of keeping the appropriate balance.

Another precaution you can take to guard against the wrong kind of bacteria is to keep your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible. Also, close the lid of the toilet before you flush.

Make sure to wash your hands before you brush and floss. No exceptions!

When it comes to a good toothbrush, don’t get sentimental. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. If you can avoid the unhealthy balance of bacteria in your mouth, you can avoid gum disease, tooth decay, as well as bad breath.

If you have sensitive teeth, don’t rinse your mouth out after you brush your teeth at night. The fluoride in the toothpaste can help remineralize your enamel. If you go to bed with some toothpaste left on your teeth, it has a chance to go to work.

If you can avoid decay, it’s less likely that you will need more extensive dental work such as dental implants and crowns.

Dr. Steven Gustafson is passionate about helping patients maintain healthy teeth and beautiful smiles. If you would like to know more about our services, give us a call at 248-541-8770.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 4529

Why a Root Canal Is Not Something To Fear

root canal sedation Royal Oak

Today’s Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry post addresses one of the most feared dental procedures: the infamous root canal.

If you are told that you need a root canal, don’t panic. Your dentist recommends this procedure when it is better for your tooth than the alternatives.

A successful root canal (or endodontic treatment in dental-speak) can save a tooth and prevent the need for an extraction followed by a dental bridge, dental implant, or gap in your smile.

If, after a thorough evaluation, we determine that a tooth needs a root canal, Dr. Gustafson will explain the procedure and costs that are involved.

Root canals are performed to save an infected tooth. If not treated, abscesses and complete tooth loss may occur.

During the procedure, Gustafson will remove the nerve and pulp, and then clean and disinfect the interior of your tooth (the canal). The next step is filling and sealing the cleaned area with a special rubbery material, and then protecting the restored tooth with a crown or filling.

Root canals have a reputation for being painful, but this is not the case anymore. There are several effective pain management methods available today at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry. We will make sure you are comfortable during the procedure. Once the infected tissue is removed, we will focus on helping the area heal.

If you are unfamiliar with our services at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, be sure to visit our website at to get more specifics.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 7119

Smile Transformations At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry

smile makeovers Royal Oak

Hello friends of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry! Today’s post is for individuals who aren’t happy about their smile.

Don’t Like Your Teeth?

Common dilemmas for patients include yellow teeth, misaligned teeth, too much or too little gum tissue, missing teeth, or weakened teeth.

Few individuals have naturally stunning smiles, but those that practice proper oral care can avoid many issues that influence oral health and the attractiveness of their smile. But some individuals are unsatisfied with their smiles even though they practice regular oral hygiene.

The friendly team at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry wants you to know that cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile, regardless of its shortcomings. Dr. Gustafson has the experience and skill to transform ordinary smiles into extraordinary smiles.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry

We perform dental bonding, porcelain veneers, dental implant procedures, crowns, tooth whitening, crown lengthening (gum shaping), inlays/onlays, and orthodontia.

Dr. Gustafson considers the following important smile


  • White teeth, free of stains
  • Attractive gumline
  • No chips, cracks, cupping, or extensive wearing
  • Tooth size, length, and placement in harmony with facial features
  • Teeth aligned on three planes

Call 248-541-8770 today to communicate with us about a phenomenal cosmetic dental smile makeover.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 7130

4 Reason To Look For The ADA Seal

Madison Heights cosmetic dental and adult braces

When you go to your drugstore or supermarket looking for toothpaste, mouthwash, teeth whitener, or another oral care product, be sure that the product you decide on lists the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance.

Today, we look at 4 ways the ADA seal can help you make good oral care choices for you and your family.

1. Products with the seal have to be safe and effective, so you won’t waste your cash on something that won’t work, or worse, can harm you.

2. The American Dental Association (ADA) only places its seal on a product after serious scientific testing. This usually means that manufacturers have to meet higher standards than those required by law.

3. When you purchase products with the ADA seal, it’s practically like shopping with your Royal Oak dentist or dental hygienist right by your side! Who wouldn’t want that extra knowledge and information?

4. The ADA seal is not the organization’s endorsement of one particular product or another but rather is a verification of the assertions made by said product, claims on which savvy consumers can rely.

Dr. Gustafson of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry
serves the Detroit, area from our beautiful practice in Royal Oak. We take pride in caring for our patients and, like the ADA, want you to have a healthy, beautiful smile.



Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 4858


5 Ways To Prevent A Cracked Tooth

cost of dental crowns Detroit

Cracked teeth can be painful, unattractive, and expensive to repair. Today’s post in the Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry dental blog contains an easy-to-follow list of tips to keep your teeth whole and strong.

1. Don’t chew on hard substances. Mind-blowing, right? People should steer clear of ice, hard candies, hard nuts, popcorn, and beef jerky. Also be wary of pitted fruits—that peach may be soft but if you bite hard into the stone, you could damage a tooth.

2. It is important to protect your teeth while engaging in any physical activity where your mouth can be hit. If you enjoy pick-up basketball games, indoor soccer leagues, rec center flag football, and many other activities, you should be using a well-fitting mouth protector.

3. Don’t use your teeth as a tool. Locate a pair of scissors to open a package or rip the price tag off a new piece of clothing with your teeth. Use a nutcracker for nuts. A quality dental crown can cost hundreds of dollars.

4. Most people know that grinding your teeth is detrimental, but did you know that it can lead to a cracked tooth? If you know or suspect that you are a tooth grinder, speak with your dentist so you can address the problem with stress reduction techniques and/or a mouth guard. Chronic head or jaw pain can be caused by teeth grinding.

5. Lastly, make sure that you visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist can alert you to conditions that might predispose you to cracked teeth, such as having an uneven chewing surface or brittle teeth. Your dentist may also discover tiny cracks you aren’t aware of. These cracks can then be repaired before further damage or decay occurs.

If you already have a cracked tooth, never fear! Treatment is available for cracks small and large. Veneers, cosmetic dental bonding, inlays/onlays, fillings, and dental implants are all used to repair or replace damaged teeth.

If you break a tooth, call 248-541-8770 or come to our office at 940 E 11 Mile Rd in Royal Oak.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 7771