How Tooth Brushing Prevents Gum Disease

Treat gum disease early in Royal Oak, MI.At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, we like to give our patients guidance on proper oral hygiene. But why should everyone brush at least twice a day? Let’s explore why this is crucial.

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent decay.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and carefully flossing removes the food from our teeth and restricts the build-up of plaque.

If we let food stay on our teeth, the starches in the food will combine with the plaque. This nasty mixture forms an acid that immediately starts drilling into the enamel to form cavities. Brushing can’t get all the spaces between your teeth, so you’ve got to floss also.

Brushing and flossing keeps gums and bones healthy.

If you let gum disease go untreated, you can lose teeth that are cavity-free!

The progression of gum disease (gingivitis) goes like this:

  1. Plaque build-up irritates gums.
  2. Irritated gums pull back from the tooth.
  3. Bacteria multiply in the spaces between the gum and tooth.
  4. The bone holding the tooth is eaten by the bacteria.
  5. Say goodbye to the tooth.

The good news is that gingivitis can be reversed if caught early.

Call Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry to schedule a gum disease evaluation at our office in Royal Oak.

Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 2251

Mastering the Art of Oral Hygiene: Your Gateway to a Healthy Smile with Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry

Mastering the Art of Oral Hygiene: Your Gateway to a Healthy Smile with Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry.

A healthy smile is not only a reflection of good dental care but also a gateway to overall well-being.

The foundation of a radiant smile begins with proper oral hygiene practices. At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak, we believe that prevention is key to maintaining optimal oral health. In this article, we will explore the importance of oral hygiene and share valuable tips to help you achieve a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Why Oral Hygiene Matters

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth clean and free from harmful bacteria and plaque buildup. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to various dental issues, such as cavities, gum disease, and bad breath, which, if left untreated, can have a significant impact on your overall health.

Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry is dedicated to educating our patients about the vital role of oral hygiene in preventing dental problems and enhancing overall well-being. Our team of dental professionals is committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

The Building Blocks of Effective Oral Hygiene

Brushing Twice a Day: Regular brushing is the cornerstone of good oral hygiene. It is essential to brush your teeth twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush for at least two minutes, covering all surfaces of your teeth and your tongue to remove bacteria and plaque effectively.

Flossing Daily: Flossing complements brushing by reaching areas between teeth and along the gumline that a toothbrush cannot reach. Make flossing a daily habit to remove food particles and plaque from these hard-to-reach spaces.

Use Mouthwash: Rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash can further reduce bacteria in your mouth, promoting healthier gums and fresher breath. Consult our team at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry for recommendations on the most suitable mouthwash for your needs.

Adopt a Balanced Diet: A balanced diet not only supports your overall health but also benefits your oral health. Limit sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay. Instead, opt for nutrient-rich foods that promote strong teeth and gums.

Attend Regular Dental Check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining good oral health. Our team at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry will conduct thorough examinations and dental cleanings, and provide valuable guidance on improving your oral hygiene routine.

The Role of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Your Oral Health Journey

At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve and maintain excellent oral health. Our dental team is equipped with the knowledge, expertise, and state-of-the-art technology to provide comprehensive dental care and personalized oral hygiene guidance. Whether you need professional cleanings, dental check-ups, or advice on home care practices, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Effective oral hygiene is the key to preserving the health and beauty of your smile.

With Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry as your partner in dental care, you can embark on a journey to better oral health and overall well-being. Remember, a healthy smile is a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Embrace the art of oral hygiene, and let Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry be your trusted companion on this rewarding path to a radiant smile. Book your appointment today and experience the difference of exceptional dental care at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8708

What Makes Teeth Hurt and How Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Near Detroit Can Help You Avoid Pain

What Makes Teeth Hurt and How Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Near Detroit Can Help You Avoid Pain.

Tooth pain, often described as one of the most agonizing experiences, can stem from various causes, from the mundane to the serious.

Understanding the root of tooth pain and seeking professional care is paramount to maintaining a pain-free smile. At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Detroit, we’re committed to helping you prevent and alleviate tooth pain, ensuring that your smile shines as brilliantly as a radiant orange sunrise.

The Culprits Behind Tooth Pain

  • Tooth Decay: Cavities, the most common cause of tooth pain, occur when acids from bacteria in your mouth eat away at the enamel, creating tiny holes that expose the sensitive inner layers of the tooth.
  • Gum Disease: As the gums become inflamed and recede due to infection or poor oral hygiene, the roots of your teeth can become exposed, leading to pain and sensitivity.
  • Cracked or Fractured Teeth: A broken or cracked tooth can cause excruciating pain, especially when chewing or exposing it to extreme temperatures.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity can result from exposed dentin, a layer beneath the enamel, due to gum recession or enamel erosion. It can cause discomfort when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: When wisdom teeth don’t have enough space to grow properly, they can become impacted, leading to severe pain and potential infection.

Preventing Tooth Pain through Dental Visits

Regular dental visits at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Detroit are a crucial step in avoiding tooth pain. Here’s how professional care can help:

  • Early Detection: Routine check-ups can identify dental issues in their early stages, preventing them from becoming painful problems.
  • Professional Cleanings: Our dental team can remove plaque and tartar buildup, which, if left untreated, can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Education: We provide guidance on proper oral hygiene practices and offer tips to protect your teeth from sensitivity and pain.
  • Treatment Options: If tooth pain is already an issue, Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry offers a range of treatments to alleviate pain and restore your oral health.

How Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Can Help You

Our team at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry is committed to providing compassionate and expert dental care. We understand that tooth pain can be debilitating and have a significant impact on your quality of life. By choosing us, you’re making the proactive choice to maintain a pain-free smile.

Tooth pain can be disruptive, but it’s not something you have to endure alone. At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Detroit, we are your partners in preventing and alleviating tooth pain.

Don’t let your smile be overshadowed by discomfort. Schedule a visit with us today, and together, we can ensure that your teeth remain pain-free and brilliantly beautiful.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8713

The Rate of Bone Loss After Extraction Can Be Slowed or Stopped With an Implant

Alveolar bone loss after tooth extraction treated by Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry.

The Alveolar Bone

The bone surrounding the teeth is called the alveolar bone. Its main job is to support the teeth and provide a heavy-duty foundation for tooth roots. Normal mouth function maintains bone health. As you chew, it stimulates bone cells to consistently create new bone. Alveolar bone loss, a common dental condition, refers to the gradual deterioration of the bone surrounding teeth, often resulting from periodontal disease or tooth loss. This loss of bone density can lead to complications such as loose teeth and compromised jaw structure. Seeking prompt treatment is crucial to prevent further deterioration and maintain oral health. Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry offers advanced diagnostic techniques and effective treatments to address alveolar bone loss, ensuring patients regain both the function and aesthetics of their smile.

What can cause alveolar bone loss?


When a tooth is removed, the bone at the extraction site is no longer needed.

It’s not just that the root is gone, the forces of chewing no longer stimulate the bone at that site. First, the bone gets narrower. Then it gets shorter.

Studies have shown that a considerable amount of alveolar bone loss can occur within six weeks after an extraction.

Periodontal disease

Gum disease is not just a problem with the soft tissues. The infection caused by gingivitis (gum disease) can destroy the alveolar bone. Advanced periodontal disease can result in the loss of teeth. The rate of bone loss caused by periodontal disease may be accelerated when the tooth roots are gone.

What if I can’t get an implant immediately after a tooth extraction?

If you plan to get a tooth implant after having a tooth extracted, it’s best to do it as soon as your implant dentist recommends. Bone diminishes quickly.

Some implant dentists use socket preservation grafts. With this service, your dentist fills the extraction socket with bone grafting material. The grafting material should start integrating with the surrounding bone. This won’t halt all bone loss, but it may slow it down.

Dentures don’t preserve the alveolar bone

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of adults over 65 have no original teeth. Many people with missing teeth or no teeth at all choose dentures. This is understandable. It’s challenging to eat and speak with no teeth in the mouth. And nobody wants a toothless mouth.

It’s important to understand, however, that dentures don’t replace the roots of the missing teeth and they don’t preserve the alveolar bone. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that helps preserve jawbone structure.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8267

Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit Area

Battling Bad Breath Causes and Prevention with the Help of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit Area

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be an embarrassing and distressing issue.

However, understanding its root causes and seeking professional guidance can help you maintain fresh and pleasant breaths. Let’s review some common causes of bad breath and how Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area can be your ally in preventing bad breath and keeping your confidence high.

The Usual Suspects of Bad Breath

Poor Oral Hygiene: One of the primary reasons for bad breath is inadequate oral hygiene. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, food particles and bacteria can accumulate in your mouth, leading to an unpleasant odor.

Gum Disease: Untreated gum disease can produce a foul odor. The pockets created by gum recession can trap bacteria and food particles, contributing to bad breath.

Dental Issues: Cavities, infected teeth, and abscesses can release unpleasant odors. These issues should be addressed promptly by a dental professional.

Dry Mouth: Saliva plays a crucial role in rinsing away bacteria and food particles in the mouth. Dry mouth, often caused by certain medications or medical conditions, can lead to bad breath.

Diet and Lifestyle: Consuming strongly flavored foods like garlic and onions can lead to temporary bad breath. Additionally, smoking and alcohol can contribute to foul odors.

How Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Can Help Prevent Bad Breath

Comprehensive Dental Cleanings: Regular dental check-ups and cleanings at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. Our dental professionals can remove plaque and tartar buildup that brushing and flossing alone can’t reach.

Treatment of Dental Issues: If you have cavities, gum disease, or other dental problems contributing to bad breath, our team can provide effective treatment to resolve these issues.

Oral Hygiene Guidance: We offer guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, including the use of mouthwash and tongue scrapers to eliminate bacteria.

Addressing Dry Mouth: If dry mouth is a concern, our dental experts can recommend strategies to alleviate this condition and reduce the risk of bad breath.

Lifestyle Recommendations: Our professionals can advise on dietary choices and lifestyle changes to help you maintain fresh breath.

Bad breath doesn’t have to be a persistent issue in your life. Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in the Detroit area is your partner in preventing and overcoming this common problem. By addressing the underlying causes of bad breath, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and seeking professional guidance, you can enjoy the confidence that comes with a fresh and pleasant breath.

Don’t let bad breath hold you back; schedule a visit with Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry today and embark on a journey toward lasting oral health and confidence in every breath you take.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8715

The Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Guide To Preventing Gum Disease

gum disease Royal Oak

Hearing that you have gingivitis (gum disease) can be upsetting. Here at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak, Michigan, we are committed to educating and assisting patients in preventing gum disease. If you discover that you already have gum disease, don’t despair. We can help.

Symptoms of Gum Disease
Bleeding gums
Swollen, tender gums
Receding gums
Bad breath that won’t go away
Loose adult teeth
Sensitive teeth

Whether you are just being diagnosed, working to undo problems of the past, or trying to avert gum disease for the future, Dr. Steven Gustafson has s.

Steps for Healing or Preventing Gum Disease

Brush at least two times a day—morning and night
Brush with fluoride toothpaste
Floss at least once a day
Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings
Use a fluoride rinse before brushing
Abstain from between-meal snacking
Refrain from tobacco products

Solutions for Correcting Serious Gum Disease

Root planing

Dr. Gustafson knows gum disease can sneak up on you. Regular check-ups and daily oral hygiene is vital for preventing the pain and health issues associated with periodontal disease. Gum disease can be successfully treated, but avoiding it is clearly best.

Dr. Gustafson is equipped with the education and experience to care for the full gamut of Detroit patients’ dental needs including cosmetic dentistry, teeth cleaning, and Invisalign clear braces.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 6456

Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Treats Canker Sores, Lesions, And Fever Blisters

Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry Treats Cankers Sores Lesions and Fever Blisters

At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, one of the most common complaints we hear from Royal Oak dentistry patients is problems with mouth sores.

There are many different kinds of oral lesions which can make eating and talking painful. Some are annoying yet harmless, while other sores are more serious and require medical intervention.

Though not contagious, the most common complaint is canker sores, which affect an estimated eighty percent of the Birmingham population. Canker sores can be attributed to stress, tissue irritation, or acidic foods.

Dr. Steven Gustafson can prescribe a topical dental paste to relieve pain and guard against infection. Recurring canker sores can sometimes be a symptom of a larger health problem.

Another common complaint is fever blisters or cold sores, which are contagious fluid-filled blisters. Detroit cold sore sufferers should be aware that they can become infected. At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, we advise our patients on how to treat cold sores and avoid further breakouts.

Fungal infections and oral cancer can cause sores in the mouth and throat. See your Detroit dentist if you experience any of the following:

Lumps or discolored patches in the mouth lasting longer than three weeks
Unusually large lesions
Multiple sores

Dr. Steven Gustafson reminds patients that eating a well balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and not smoking can all aid in oral health and hygiene.

To schedule an appointment, or ask about other oral concerns, contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry today at 248-541-8770.

Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak  provides the full spectrum of general, cosmetic, and pediatric dental services. We offer cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, dentures, orthodontics, general dentistry and complete smile makeovers.

The following online articles were used as source material for this blog:
‘Mouth Sores,’ American Academy of Otolaryngology, December 2010,, accessed on November 29, 2011
‘Dental Health and Canker Sores,’ WebMD, November 2011,, accessed on November 29, 2011


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 3699

3 Vital Reasons to Floss Regularly

reasons to floss your teeth

Are you an avid flosser? Many of us occasionally skip this needed habit. Studies show that around 68% of men and women report flossing at least once a week while 20% say they actually never floss. Skipping the daily flossing routine can have devastating consequences on your overall dental health and result in costly dental work in the future. Find out more about 3 major ways flossing helps protect us from gingivitis, cavities and enhances our social lives. 

1. Helps Fight Cavities

Every time we eat, small remnants of food are left behind. It’s common for these tiny bits of food to accumulate in between our teeth without us always being aware. When we floss, it cleans away all these bits of food and helps reduce the amount of plaque buildup on our teeth.

If we’re not flossing regularly, more and more plaque will form and put us at risk of developing cavities. When plaque begins to cover our teeth, the enamel is slowly worn down and can result in a tiny hole which we call a cavity. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing at least once per day to prevent this growth of plaque.

2. Prevents Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious dental issue and can leave you with fewer teeth if not properly taken care of in a timely manner. There are four stages to gum disease and the first signs usually show up as blood in your gums after flossing or brushing. Anytime we’re flossing and notice this, we can take it as a sign we’re not flossing sufficiently. The bleeding in our gums creates an accumulation of plaque and tartar along the gumline.

Flossing is a great way to clear away this plaque from our teeth. With a piece of floss, we can reach areas a toothbrush can’t reach. If we avoid flossing for long bouts, more and more tartar can accumulate and become harder to get rid of, so our gums bleed. Plaque and tartar allow certain bacteria to accrue and seep in between our gums, damaging our teeth in the process.

3. Freshens Your Breath

Have you ever wondered why your breath is stale at times? This could be due to a lack of flossing, even if you brush regularly. When you brush your teeth, you remove small amounts of saliva, food, and a variety of fluids from your teeth. If you don’t brush routinely, everything sticks to your teeth and results in foul-smelling breath. The same thing can happen when we start reducing the amount of time we spend flossing. Since the food is collecting at a slower rate, we may not notice our breath turning sour. Eventually, this will lead to covering our mouths during conversation.


Even if flossing is the most challenging part of your oral health regimen, refusing to floss is not worth the risk. Removing the bacteria in between your teeth regularly is crucial to your dental health and will keep your breath smelling fresh.

Flossing and brushing are the best preventative measures to avoid gum disease. Remember to have twice-yearly professional dental cleanings as well. If you’re not currently flossing, it’s best to start sooner rather than later. Unexpected cavities can be costly to treat and damaging to your health.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 8550

We Keep Dental Patients Comfortable

Keeping Dental Patients Comfortable in Royal Oak

To state the obvious, nobody enjoys pain. Dr. Gustafson knows this, and that is why the dental team at Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry has made patient comfort our number one goal.

In conjunction with creating a soothing environment, we have various medications that can lower and even eliminate pain associated with different dental procedures to give you a more enjoyable experience.

Some of the most common pain-relieving medications used in Detroit dentist offices and around the country are topical anesthetics. These are swabbed directly onto mouth tissue and numb the surface layers. Topical anesthetics can limit the pain of mouth sores, or they can be applied to prepare the mouth for an injection.

Local anesthetics are injected into mouth tissue (usually the gums) to block the nerve sensations in distinct areas of the mouth. Dentists usually numb the mouth in this way before filling cavities, treating gum disease, or performing cosmetic dentistry procedures.

More involved dental procedures may necessitate nitrous oxide or even general anesthesia. Ask us about sleep dentistry and oral conscious sedation.

Dentists often recommend an OTC analgesic to relieve pain after a dental visit. These medications include aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen.

Because your dentist will probably administer a pain reliever during the dental visit or prescribe something for you to take after the procedure, make sure you bring a complete list of medications you are taking, including herbal supplements, before each appointment.

I’m Dr. Steven Gustafson and I want patients to be informed about their dental care, especially as it pertains to pain relief during dental treatment. If you are in the Royal Oak area and looking for quality dental care, I invite you to contact my office today at 248-541-8770.


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan


ArticleID 3542

Looking For A Red Carpet-Caliber Smile?

porcelain veneers price Detroit

When you see pics of your favorite stars, do you ever wonder how these men and women can project such perfection? Can ordinary Detroit folks ever achieve anything approaching celebrity-caliber attractiveness?

When it comes to brilliant smiles, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” There are many effective cosmetic dentistry procedures available that can produce considerable results. Complete cosmetic dental smile makeovers combine various procedures to transform your smile. These are the same procedures used by cosmetic dentists that serve the Hollywood A-list.

A common and affordable procedure is teeth whitening. There are a variety of ways this can be done. Many drugstores sell over-the-counter whitening strips and gels. Your cosmetic dental practice can recommend an effective one, or they may offer in-office bleaching. This is the quickest way to whiten your teeth, sometimes in less than an hour.

If you suffer from missing teeth, most Royal Oak cosmetic dentists will recommend dental implants. A dental implant is placed directly into the jaw bone. This provides strength, natural appearance and function, and comfort. It can also shield against the bone recession that is common with a missing tooth.

Veneers, which are custom-made for each patient, are designed to cover the front of the teeth. These are useful for patients who have broken or chipped teeth, stained teeth, or gaps between teeth.

Bonding, enamel shaping, gum contouring, and braces are other important procedures that can be employed by your cosmetic dentist to help your teeth look their best.

I’m Dr. Steven Gustafson of Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry in Royal Oak. If you are looking for unmatched dental care in the Royal Oak area, I hope you’ll give us a call at 248-541-8770.


At Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry, we offer cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, dentures, and orthodontics.

Call for your appointment today!


Contact Gustafson Morningstar Dentistry:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

940 E 11 Mile Rd
Royal Oak, Michigan

ArticleID 6242